Rafael Espinoza, Director of the Montgomery County State Health Insurance Assistance

Program (SHIP) offered a very informative Medicare presentation to the King Farm Neighbors Village (KFNV) community via Zoom on Thursday, September 24th, including a question and answer session that addressed participants’ questions and concerns.
Mr. Espinoza has graciously given KFNV his permission to post his presentation and supplementary PDFs. Please see the links below. Finally, if you have any further questions about Medicare, you can contact Mr. Espinoza at SHIP@AccessJCA.org, 301-255-4250 , or consult the website at www.MedicareABCD.org.
2020 State and Fed Programs https://90d501ba-5b09-42a1-a4c4-3ca095b5b527.usrfiles.com/ugd/90d501_d82d190ca1434b948af641d088e130b9.pdf
Medicare Enrollment Period https://90d501ba-5b09-42a1-a4c4-3ca095b5b527.usrfiles.com/ugd/90d501_4aac7534f91d473bbb7339fcbb7f7610.pdf